Sunday, April 14, 2013

Three Pairs of Glasses Later: (Prompt 40)

"Are you alright?!?" Ten players simultaneously bombard me.
"Yeah, it's nothing. I'm fine."  The glasses come off.  "Awesome," I exhale as I put them back on.
Dribble, pass, steal, pass, kick, GOAL. 
"Lindsey where were you?"
I wipe my face. This will be cute in pictures.


"Still haven't learned to wear your contacts, huh?" Sarcasm ignored I swear under my breath.  Not this time.  Place the frames on the bench behind my water bottle, good idea.  He has the worst toe-ball ever.  I follow the ball with my eyes as it speeds straight at the wall.  There goes my water bottle.


"Liiiinds.  I have to be at my game in ten minutes.  Just get those ones." Giggling she continues, "everything else you've tried on looks funny."
Placing the red frames in the trust of the Lenscrafters employee I make a lame joke.  Pay.  Run to the car.


I hit the steering wheel compulsively with anger.  "I don't like those.  I'm not going to wear for them for two friggen years.  No.  I need to go back.  Amanda.  I know you have your game.  I have to go back.  Ugh.  Please."
Three rings then an explanation of why her big sister will be arriving in less than fifteen minutes.  An exchange do to unsatisfactory assumptions.  
Speeding like a madwoman, we make it there in under five minutes.  A quick goodbye and five minutes back.
"You may pick these up anytime tomorrow after 11:00 in the morning."


After a day of mixed feelings, from the judgement of myself and my peers, I am undecided.  They are too big for my face.  I love the style.  Seth Rogan has an identical pair.  They're unisex lenses.  Constant justification battles continue well into the night.
A picture sent to close friends with the caption, "I'm not sure of the size, but I think I like them. What do you think?"
"Uhm... They're too big for your face..."
"I love them Linds!"
Minutes later I have managed to forget my contemplation by distracting myself with social media. 


My mouth hangs wide open having resolved my full-day contemplation in less than three seconds.  I must now decide whether or not it's appropriate to laugh this one off, or if I should crawl in a hole and remain there for eternity after my monumental blunder.

1 comment:

  1. I think the scattered approach, the lack of explanation, the darting here and there--mostly works here. First two vignettes may be just a tad too loose for complete understanding.
