Sunday, March 24, 2013

List of Me: (Prompt 42)

Diagnoses don't define who I am.
I think, I think too much.
My bucket list is full of originality mixed with a tint of cliches.
I could stare at the stars for hours on end.
Movies and books are my form of teleportation.  An escape so to speak.
I knew what I my transferring major was going to be the first class of World History 111.
The level of frustration with myself grows for every point I am below 100.
I will live in a city before I die.
Being a perfectionist is my imperfection.
I believe social medias are going to ruin our generation... If they haven't already.
Politics make me livid.
One day I'll be fluent in at least Spanish, English, and German.
If I do one thing with the right side of my body, I like to do it with the left otherwise I feel uneven.
My little brother is the best unexpected present I have ever received.
I go out of my way to do things for others that I secretly wish people would do for me.
When I do something I think is clever, I don't shut up about it.
I have yet to need stitches. (Other than from wisdom teeth extractions, which I don't count).
There is nothing I am more afraid of than black wolves.  No wait, the eeriness of the deep blue sea.
I don't enjoy driving, I'd rather be a passenger.
European's accents (for the most part) are the most attractive.
I'm a loner.
I hate being alone.
Cracking knuckle's make me cringe.
My little sister is my best friend.
If people knew me before my junior year they'd think I was a completely different person.
I hate to say this, but I wish I was still that person.
Snow doesn't bother me.
I keep almost anything I am given and find it difficult to throw anything away.
People constantly whining about it does.
I've gone to church as far back as I can remember.
I've only had faith since last year.
My family is the most important feature of my life.
I was born in the wrong decade.
Knowing I can be hypocritical helps me think before I speak. (Sometimes).
My type is tall, blue-eyed, dark hair, with glasses.
I'm positive that there are hackers capable of watching people through their webcams.
Understanding people is my greatest defeat.
I feel awkward 80% of the time.
Disney movies will always be worthy of my time.

I observe and retain.  This either makes me creepy or the best gift giver, your choice.

At one point I  to be the next Mia Hamm.
Now I just want to be comfortable being me.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good prompt because it reliably gets wonderful stuff from students, as it has here for you--I bet you could have just kept going and going with this splash self-portrait, your fine mix of the consequential, inconsequential (and inconsequential becomes consequential when paired with the consequential!), serious, and less serious.
