Sunday, March 3, 2013

Attempt at minimum usage of adjectives (Theme 6)

Here words strung together so cleverly by author's of today and yesterday can become your reality.  That is if there is time to do more than stare longingly at the books that occupy an abundance of shelves.  It is highly unlikely this is the case.  College consumes a majority of the waking hours belonging to a day.  There is no time to open a typewritten masterpiece, let alone actually be capable of reading one.

So many other distractions are calling in a place that is supposed to be an easy place of concentration.  Can't you read, NO CELLPHONES ALLOWED.  Girls gossip in the corner with backpacks looking rather light to actually be carrying homework.  A man with headphones blaring what can only be caused by the newest computer game initiating his fingers fluid movements.

Where are the librarians at?  The media impression implies they are supposed to be mean old ladies with wire-rimmed frames who bustle around the place spitting "shhhhhhhh," in noisemakers faces.  The closest person to a librarian visible behind the desk is a college student too absorbed in the brilliant technology that is a cellphone to even pay attention to the couple fondling each other while giggling as if they are home alone on the couch.

This isn't a space for those with short attention spans to work in peace.  But this shall have to suffice for no place like mentioned actually exists.

1 comment:

  1. Such an odd first paragraph--I had to read it several times to get it, but when I analyzed it, okay, the sentences are grammatical, but seem so overwritten! How did that happen?

    After hurdling the first graf, everything becomes much smoother, much more open, and we not only see the library but we get a bit of a hint how you might feel about your neighbors. The meshing of your reactions with the description is nicely done.
