Friday: This vacation is going to be different. I'll do my homework at the beginning so I won't have to worry about it at the end of next weekend. Also so I won't have to worry about it during the whole week and let it ruin vacation. Oh, yeah! That will leave Sunday free and I'll be able to watch the Oscars in peace. Perfect.
Sunday: Cleaning my room was more important than doing my homework. Yes it did take a day and a half to clean my room (and it's not even fully done), but it will be worth it in the end. Now I'll be able to do my homework in here without stressing about the mess on the floor or the desk. I'll be comfortable. I have all week to do it. I can do it before the weekend and I won't have to worry about ending it lamely. Wednesday and Thursday sound like perfect homework days. If I don't get to watch the Oscars, it won't be a fun night for me or anyone nearby.
Tuesday: I can't believe this. How did I miss this online exam? It wasn't on the page Sunday when it said the assignment was due, was it? This is not okay. I never miss homework. This is so not like me. I don't know what to do. This is going to ruin my average. 50% for tests? I'm screwed. Calm down. Just e-mail him and tell him you overlooked it, be honest. That's what they want, right? Phew, so glad I was able to do that. No questions. I am doing my homework tomorrow.
Friday: I had other things I needed to do Wednesday and Thursday. I need the extra money, so working more will be worth more in the long run. I haven't been able to hang out with Julie in weeks now because of our clashing schedules. Who knows when I'll be able to again. Room is clean, no plans, tomorrow is going to be a perfect all day homework day. Don't freak out, just continue watching this movie when you could actually be doing your homework. What is wrong with me? Why do I have to procrastinate all the time? This is getting old. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.
Sunday: How am I supposed to support Argo or Silver Linings Playbook while doing all this homework? I don't think I'll ever win the battle of procrastination with my homework.
I too liked both Argo and SLP--and I too wish you'd done your homework over vacation.