Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Prompt 1

I am encompassed by silence in the dark.  Even so, noises in my head are gradually increasing.  These noises, or thoughts, seem to have no volume limit.  These thoughts all have the same voice. Mine.
They fight with each other:
"I deserve to feel the way I do."
"It will get better."
"No, I'm going to feel this way forever."
"Why am I being so self-centered when there are so many people on Earth who have it worse than me?"
I'm always seeking time away.  Alone time.  Peace and quiet.  Yet... When I finally am alone and it is silent,  I'm overwhelmed by my thoughts. This completely defeats the purpose of my intentional alienation.


  1. Is this a prompt response? Or part 1 of the 3 part writer's autobio?

  2. I changed the title so it's easier to tell. (Hearing prompt)

  3. Interesting--there's a prompt in a few weeks where you're asked to write an inner dialogue with yourself. You're already there!
