Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Wednesday...  In all honesty, anytime I spell this word it sounds something like this: Wed-nes-day.  The words come out separately in my head and sometimes, hopefully when I'm alone, they're sounded out aloud. This reminds me of another word I use a similar technique with; beautiful.  I'll have to give credit to Jim Carrey for this one.  His b-e-a-u-ti-ful will forever have me spelling it before I write it.

I'll let the paragraph above be an icebreaker for today.  Yesterday was somewhat of a test drive in what to write.  There are so many questions that go through my mind when starting a new piece. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
Is this long enough? Am I writing it the way that the reader wants it? What do I write about? Is this subject going to be easy to write about? Does this sound as stupid to them as it does to me?

I think I think to much. About everything.  I mean, my questions above are only the beginning.  Thinking too much leads to my form of perfectionism.  I can't say that I'm a perfectionist in everything and can be confirmed in an instant with a peak inside my room which is too embarrassing to speak about.

What really stood out to me today only happened minutes ago.  My little sister of sixteen years was lying at the foot of my bed while I was writing and I asked her what she was doing.  Her reply, "getting on Facebook. I haven't been on in a couple hours."  I chuckled.  Not because it was truly hilarious, but because of the truth behind it.  If the word fits, it was almost a chuckle of sympathy.


  1. Is this long enough? Am I writing it the way that the reader wants it? What do I write about? Is this subject going to be easy to write about? Does this sound as stupid to them as it does to me?

    Some of these are student questions, others are writer's questions. That is, some have to do with teachers and grades, others with words and meaning.

    If it helps you to sort through them, I am much more interested in the questions you ask yourself as a writer than the ones you ask as a student.

  2. Now for a "teacher" comment--I really hate this type font. Just saying.

  3. Yeah, it's kind of hard to read.. Changed that as well.
