Thursday, January 17, 2013


I don't know where to begin.  I don't know what to begin with.  Not that today was full of excitement.  Not that there were too many moments in this day that stand out.  Maybe it's just the calmness of today that makes it difficult to come up with experiences, moments, or thoughts to write about.  No. I believe the reason I'm incapable of beginning today's writing from my experiences, particular moments, or thoughts is due to this current moment.  The heat of my face explained by a low-grade fever of 100.  The churning of my stomach not asking for food, but just the opposite.  My head aching, needing a soft pillow to rest on.  It's only twenty of eight and nowhere near my usual time of rest.  Tonight, I think I'll make an exception.

1 comment:

  1. I like the mock-helpless appeal to the reader and particularly like this nicely-put resolution of the mystery of not knowing where to begin:

    "The heat of my face explained by a low-grade fever of 100. The churning of my stomach not asking for food, but just the opposite. My head aching, needing a soft pillow to rest on."
