Sunday, January 27, 2013

Me & History

The television set in the downstairs living room is lit up with Barak Obama's face.  That's right, today's inauguration day.  Why president's need to be inaugurated for another term doesn't make much sense to me.  Then again, I don't know much about politics and government to begin with.  My attention problem shoots the thought in another direction.  It's Martin Luther King Day today.  Well isn't this just ironic.
It wasn't but less than four months back that I was making a tough decision that most my age thought didn't matter.  I wasn't about to pass up the opportunity to take part in something that made me feel like I mattered.  Like I have a say in something bigger that could help all of those around me.  I also might have voted due to my feelings on complaining.  If you don't vote, you can't complain.
Speaking of complaining, I never quite understood what the craze was with that Carly Rae Jepsen song, "Call Me Maybe."  More to the likes of annoying maybe.  To this day I change the radio station the second it comes on. It's become a reflex.
Another reflex I developed over the years is to look in the back seat of my car or cover up almost every inch of my body thanks to the horror movies of my teen years.  Those were the movies to see at the time.  When I look back I have no idea what I was thinking.  They're the most ridiculous things ever, and not even scary.
What was scary was an event that happened two days after my parents returned from New York, New York.  Exactly three months before my ninth birthday.  Seeing those towers burn petrified me more than the time I saw the earth blown up in Star Wars and for a whole week I was positive that it was really going to happen.
But how much did I really know.  I mean, I was under the impression I was going to marry Aaron Carter.  What did I know?


  1. Was this a hard one for you to write?--it reads as if every word was a struggle, caused you to sweat, and left you shaking with uncertainty--especially when I compare it to a smooth piece like the lost memory-card one. Did it give you problems?

  2. Yes, I did have quite a few difficulties writing this. It's apparently quite evident.

  3. It's impossible to predict what will and won't give a writer problems, and it's also impossible to predict whether the easy-writing or hard-writing will turn out to be the better-writing.
